Medical Equipment Performance: Addressing Maintenance Issues

Back to the program 22 June 14:45 — 16:15 Conference Hall №2

The trend towards import substitution has posed a number of complex challenges to the traumatology and orthopedics industry. One of these is the maintenance of foreign-made medical equipment. A delay or disruption in the supply of components from abroad makes the use of foreign equipment difficult and unsafe. Switching to domestic maintenance is not the best solution either, as it entails licensing problems. The situation all market participants have found themselves in will be discussed by the experts during this round table.

Issues to be discussed:

1.              How can the licensing process for maintenance and repair of medical devices in traumatology and orthopedics be streamlined?

2.              What problems do manufacturers see in the supply of imported components and consumables for traumatology and orthopedics?

3.              What are the difficulties of operating imported closed systems?

4.              What is the current state of import substitution of components and consumables for traumatology and orthopedics?


Ожгихин Иван Владимирович
Ожгихин Иван Владимирович

Старший управляющий директор по развитию ООО «УК «РОСНАНО»

Ivanov Igor Vladimirovich
Ivanov Igor Vladimirovich

Генеральный директор ФГБУ «Всероссийский научно-исследовательский и испытательный институт медицинской техники» Росздравнадзора