Scientific Achievements of Russian Universities: Cutting Edge Developments and Application Opportunities

Back to the program 23 June 16:00 — 17:30 Conference Hall №2

It is 2023, and Russia is working hard to ensure its technological sovereignty. The state especially emphasizes the need to advance domestic R&D activities. The traumatology and orthopedics industry is not left out. Scientific advances by universities and research centers are now strongly supported and closely monitored by the government, as well as by the business and medical community. 

During this activity at the EOF, Russia’s leading scientific schools and think tanks will report on the progress of their work to representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Health, doctors and manufacturers. The pitch session format involves the researchers making strictly time-limited (7 minutes) presentations in turn. After each presentation, speakers receive feedback from the Presidium. What areas are the allocated funds spent in? When can we expect breakthroughs in the industry? What is the economic potential of new developments? 

Issues to be discussed:

1.     Interim results of scientific work in the first six months of 2023 in traumatology and orthopedics

2.     Application of developments in the industry

3.     Prospects for bringing the products to the Russian market



General Director of "Implant MT"

Филонов Михаил Рудольфович
Филонов Михаил Рудольфович

Проректор по науке и инновациям НИТУ МИСИС