Circulation of Medical Devices at the National Level and within the Eurasian Economic Union

Back to the program 23 June 16:00 — 17:30 Conference hall №3

In early 2022, Russia and the EAEU started harmonization of their legislation to progress towards a common market of medical devices. That was the time of drastic changes in the situation in the country and worldwide. What do manufacturers think today about the previous amendments to the legislation? What else needs to be changed in the national laws governing the circulation of medical devices? What new challenges does the EAEU traumatology and orthopedics industry face in this new reality? Representatives of the Federal Service for the Supervision of Public Health and Social Development (Roszdravnadzor) will discuss these and other issues at the round table.

Issues to be discussed:

1.     Results of harmonization of the EAEU and Russian laws related to the circulation of medical devices

2.     Further action plan for the national regulation of the circulation of medical devices

3.     Problems of medical devices circulation within the EAEU and ways to solve them


Ivanov Igor Vladimirovich
Ivanov Igor Vladimirovich

Генеральный директор ФГБУ «Всероссийский научно-исследовательский и испытательный институт медицинской техники» Росздравнадзора